Vampire FaceLift
As we age our skin becomes grayer in color due to a lack of blood flow. We also lose volume in our faces and develop hollow areas in our cheeks. Everything in our face moves southward in direction and we lose our natural rounded shape. Our skin texture becomes less smooth and dryer and we lose the natural glow we had in our face when we were younger. Rejuvenate the skin and restore youth with the Vampire Facelift!
Why chose the Vampire Facelift?
Cosmetic surgery can remove excess skin and make the person appear younger. But, a surgical facelift can be more than what’s needed for some people (especially when loss of shape without extra skin is the main problem). Hyaluronic fillers alone do nothing for skin tone, texture and color and have problems around the eye.
Unlike most procedures, the Vampire Facelift (R) offers a way of restoring the shape, improving tone and texture, and rejuvenating new & younger tissue!
How is the procedure done?
After a thorough consultation with Dr. Kulback in Trussville, Alabama to determine if you are a good candidate, the Vampire Facelift is performed.
A medical-grade numbing cream is applied to the treatment area to ensure the procedure is painless. Then a small amount of blood is drawn painlessly and is placed in a special FDA-approved centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma, (PRP) from the remaining red blood cells. In the first part of the Vampire FaceLift® procedure, Dr. Kulback uses a Hyaluronic Acid (HA) filler (Juvederm® or Restylane®) in a very specific way to sculpt a younger appearing face –while still keeping the shape natural. Our procedure avoids creating an unnatural shape and is a special technique unique to the Vampire Facelift.
Use your own blood to rejuvenate your face!
Then the PRP with all the healing and growth factors is injected into the skin. When these growth factors enter the face (injected by the physician), the multipotent stem cells become activated to grow new tissue. This new tissue includes new collagen, new fatty tissue (for smoothness), and new blood vessels (for a healthy glow). These growth factors work like magic to cause increased collagen & new blood flow.
The growth factors then activate multipotent stem cells already in the skin (tricking them into “thinking” there’s been an injury and new younger tissue should be generated).
How long does the procedure last?
The effects of the procedure continue to improve your face over a period of 2 to 3 months and last for at least 1 to 2 years!
Who is not a good candidate for this procedure?
Patients with a lot of loose skin as their predominant problem may get better results with surgery or PDF threads and laser therapy might also be a better option for some patients.
If you are interested in having the Vampire call 205-255-1232 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Kulback who has been personally trained with the inventor of the Vampire Facelift, Dr. Charles Runels.