Remove Wrinkles and Fine Lines!
Ready to experience wrinkle-free facial skin? Visit Dr. Pamela Kulback to get your Dysport in Birmingham, Alabama! She’ll evaluate your needs and determine the best treatments to fit your skin goals. Dysport is a neurotoxin we often use to address wrinkles on the face temporarily.
Dysport is much like Botox and contains abobotulinumtoxinA. A drug that blocks nerve activities in the muscles, leading to muscle relaxation and temporarily-controlled paralysis. We can treat frown lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet in one treatment, with results lasting between 3-4 months on average.

Muscular contractions cause wrinkles and fine lines. What Dysport does is interrupt these nerves’ passage to these muscles, preventing them from reaching their destination. These targeted muscles don’t contract, and neither do the wrinkles. Our physician, Dr. Pamela Kulback, will carefully identify and select the targeted facial muscles to reduce fine lines and wrinkles without side effects such as drooping. This ensures our patients have the most natural (not-overworked) look they desire!
This FDA-approved injectable reduces the appearance of facial wrinkles, including; forehead wrinkles and frown/glabellar lines or the vertical lines between your eyebrows. These lines become more prominent as we age and lose elasticity & collagen. Relax the muscle and reduce the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles.

Dysport is a non-surgical treatment that takes 15 minutes or less to inject on average, and there is no downtime! Patients can expect slight redness and some swelling in the injection area the day of injections. Some patients experience slight bruising. However, most see results from the treatment within just a few days!
Dr. Pamela Kulback applies numbing cream before injections which may extend the appointment by 30 minutes. Dysport injections last 3-4 months on average; however, there is no exact science on how long Dysport will last. Results and duration vary and depend on the patient’s age, lifestyle, genetics, and the number of units injected.
If you are experiencing moderate to severe wrinkles, come see Dr. Kulback! Dysport is a great solution for most patients with wrinkles between their eyebrows or on their forehead.
Get Your Dysport in Birmingham!
Are you interested in getting Dysport in Birmingham? Call 205-255-1232 to book with Dr. Pamela Kulback. We provide Dysport in Birmingham, Alabama, and the Panama City Beach area. We offer a variety of non-surgical wrinkle treatments!
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